FAQ Post!!!

Top Ten (possible) Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why did you pick cookies as the topic of your blog? 🤔🤔
I picked cookies for two reasons. One, being that it, for the most part, has been very easy to post content about cookies. I mean only a handful of people don't like them. Second, I panicked when being asked to pick a topic and that was the first thing that popped into my brain. I had to rationalize it later. 

     2. If you aren't passionate about cookies, what are you passionate about?

That's an excellent question! I will post more links about ways to get to know me better, but in short I am passionate about many things. I love to write and read; stories make me happy. I also really love advocating for LGBT things. I am in the MATA group, which does work with Transgender Awareness and support. The last really big thing I love is music, the way it speaks to people, is incredible. Anyway, those topics I felt would be hard to blog about because they are abstract ideas. Soooooo, cookies!

     3. Where can I make suggestions for content I wanna see?

The best places to reach out to me would be on my Facebook page, where I typically just post links to this blog, but you can leave comments on said post! Or for those of you that just wish to get to know me, I will link to my TUMBLR! (If you don't have a tumblr, please set one up! It's a great platform!) Send me an ask!

    4. You said you started this blog in school? Well what class kind of class would make you start a blog? 

This blog did begin my junior year of college. I took a class called Social Media Optimization. It was a class structured to help people try and grasp the ever changing subject of social media. Since the beginning of Facebook, the rise of social media usage and exploitation has been on the rise and it is crucial we understand how it functions. This class thought that running our own blogs and watching what happens to our content would beneficial to our learning of the subject!

    5. Can I start a cookie blog too? Is it hard?

No way! Starting a blog is as easy as eating a cookie! In fact, even if you don't wanna do your blog on cookies, you can still start one! A couple of websites offer free blog software, like the one I use; Blogger. I also mentioned Tumblr earlier, that platform is based on nothing but following and creating blogs. If those seem to be not your style or too beginner level, I could also recommend WIX. They are a blog website for people who are looking to really kick it in style. They also offer paid plans to make your blog look real nifty. It's a great website for advanced creators!

    6. So you run this blog,  but do you have any other online presence?

As a matter of fact, I do! It's nothing dramatic, but other than this blog, I write stories for A03 and Fanfiction. If you wanna know more about that, you'll have to ask. My presence on Tumblr use to be alot more than it actually is, as I did some secretary and teacher aid type work for an author that took new writers on trips around the world. I know a thing or two about writing and lit structure so there's that. I ALSO play hearthstone, and will occasionally post decks to the Blizzard forums. I'm a nerd. Anyway, that's about it for what I do online. I hate Instagram.
    7. Unrelated, but I have to know what your favorite cookie is!

If you must know, around Christmas time my mother makes these cookies that I just call Nipple cookies. When they are warm, they are delicious. It's like a peanut butter cookie, with a chocolate 
kiss pressed in the middle of it. It's a tradition for the holidays. 
Here's a picture for reference! ⏵⏵⏵

    8. How do you decide what to post?

I'm going to be honest, my professor for this class decides what we post. I personally like that we have some structure because creativity can be hard. Read above though (question 3), if you wish to make content suggestions. 

    9. Is your professor pretty cool?

Absolutely! He runs pages on Facebook, and is very nice. I won't delve to much, as he probably wouldn't appreciate me telling his whole life story. But he does run a Russian podcast called the Raskin Report. Fill free to check it out. 

    10. Lastly, will you continue to run this blog after school gets out?

As I mentioned above, starting a blog is super easy. Running a blog however, can get real finicky. You gotta be engaging, consistent, and above all else, creative. While I have found this experience of posting around a specific topic very rewarding, I feel I might turn my attention elsewhere. In the beginning, I did answer the question about things I am passionate about; if I was going to keep a blog running it would talking about those things. Not cookies. Unless I get an overwhelming amount of negativity about the death of the Shookie Cookie. I will probably bury it in December. 

Thanks for tuning into another blog post, and I will see yah next time!


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