Trends and Treats!

It's time for a post I'd like to call Trends and Treats! 

Lets discuss a trend I recently found on Instagram called procrasibaking. The New York Times did an article on it in May of this year about how creative people can have this tendency to procrastinate doing important things. (duh) But, what they found is that often people will bake to put off doing the things they need to do. This started a really fun hashtag where people took to social media to share the things they guiltily baked out of procrastination! For some fun, head on over to Instagram and check out some of the tasty things people have whipped on a whim. 

Anyway moving forward, I wanted to discuss what this kind of thing could mean for regular people like you and I. For some, this idea of baking while procrastinating could be demonstrably bad. Tim Pychyl, a professor of psychology as Carleton University in Ottawa says, "Procrastibaking is an unconsciously deployed strategy that makes us feel skilled, nurturing and virtuous in the present while distracting us from the future." While this is true, all is not lost!

Preparing a difficult or lengthy recipe in other instances, could feel like a chore. Especially if you didn't choose on your own to bake it. However, when you are procrastibaking and baking only for your own sake, the process can have a feeling of relaxation. Perhaps it might also feel meditative. Often people who have highly demanding creative jobs, need an outlet to exert a different part of their brain and that's where a trend like this can really thrive.

This is not to say that procrastibaking is the way to go if you are stuck doing something you don't want to do, especially if you can't bake to save your life. (like me, eh) But just like a professional athlete, you can't just go out and start being at the top of your game.

You gotta warm up, and according to many professional bakers and chefs, nothing is more motivating than the illusion of efficiencyThe best recipes for effective procrastibaking are those with many steps, allowing the procrastibaker to get some work done in between. For more info on procrastibaking, click on the word!

Want some recipes? Click here

See you next time!


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